Steering Committee
The Steering Committee consists of eleven club members elected by the eligible voting members of the Alano Club (Alcoholics and Al-Anons) in good standing. The officers of the Committee consist of the Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, Treasurer, Alternate Treasurer, and Secretary, each serving a minimum of one year terms while on the Committee. During Committee meetings, a majority of Committee members, six (6), shall constitute a quorum, provided that a least one (1) Committee Officer is present.
Preside at all meetings and business of the Steering Committee
Establish procedures for the conducting of Committee meetings
May call an emergency meeting of the Committee at any time
Forwards all proposed policies and amendments to the Board of Directors
Communicates with the Board on any pertinent issues
Acts as Public Relations official and spokesman with outside agencies
Call the General Membership Meeting to order
Maintenance Chairperson
Attend to maintenance and security issues
Notify the SC Chair of any failure of equipment and/or repairs needing funds
Submit a written report to the Secretary at each monthly Committee meeting
Record the minutes of Committee meetings, and other correspondence
Record the minutes at the General Membership meetings
Maintain a roster of the Committee members
Fundraising Chairperson
Organize and promote fundraising events
Organize and promote social events
Forward all monies raised by an event to the Committee Treasurer
Submit a written report to the Secretary at each monthly Committee meeting
Decorations Chairperson
Selection of appropriate decorations during holidays or for special events
Obtain funds need for purchase of additional decoration supplies not in storage
The Treasurer receives all monies for the Club, and keeps record of all receipts
Submit a written report to the Secretary at each monthly Committee meeting
Reports include all receipts and bank deposits to the Board Treasurer
Notify the Membership Chairperson of receipts for membership dues
Maintain the Petty Cash, and make reimbursements as needed
Membership Chairperson
Promote joining of new Alano Club members meeting requirements to join
Update the Club Membership board
Notify members who are in arrears
Remove members from the membership (30) days after notification
Record payments of any dues received
Coordinate “dues received” from the Committee Treasurer
Submit a written report to the Secretary at each monthly Committee meeting